Magento FloCash Extension document is an extension of the Magento file that provides instruction on how you can integrate the FloCash online payment gateway to your Magento Commerce.
Install instruction¶
To Install Magento FloCash Extension successfully, you MUST follow all of the steps below:
1. Download the latest Magento FloCash Extension file (currently 0.9.5) at
- Login to Magento Admin with Administrator role and go to Magento Connect (System>Magento Connect>Magento Connect Manager).
- Re-type your Magento Admin account details to access Magento Connect Manager.
- Go to Settings tab and modify Preferred State option to Beta then click Save.
- Return to Extensions tab.
- In Direct package file upload section, browse for the Magento Flocash Extension file that you downloaded in step 1. And Click Upload.
- Wait for Magento upload to complete. When complete, you can click Refresh and finally return to **Admin.
Note: If you get HTTP 404 error when you go to Flocash setting page in Magento Admin, please log out and login again.
Configure Instruction¶
After installation has completed, Magento Flocash Extension will create a sub-menu in System>Configuration>Sales>Flocash.
When this has been created, click on it, you can configure all of the options here to begin accepting Flocash online payment gateway transactions to your website. The details of all options are as follows:
- Email Address of Your Flocash Account: you MUST type your email address of your Flocash account here to receive money from your customer.
- Brand Logo: this is your brand logo that will be displayed for the customer in the Flocash checkout page. Note: it will override the setting in your Flocash profile to allow you using multiple business brand with one Flocash account.
- Brand Name: this is your brand name that will be displayed for the customer in the Flocash checkout page. Note: it will override the setting in your Flocash profile to allow you using multiple business brands with one Flocash account.
- Enabled: this option will help you easily turn Flocash payment gateway to Enabled or Disabled. Choose Yes to make Flocash your preferred payment option.
- Sort order: this field is NOT required, please leave for now.
- Title: this is the name of payment option that is presented to customer in website frontend
- Payment from Applicable Countries and Payment from Specific Countries: this option will help you choose what countries can accepted Flocash as a payment service option.
After configuration is complete on all Flocash options in your Magento, login to your Flocash account to continue to configure some additional options. After you login, go to Profile>Edit contact. In Edit E-commerce Setting section. Fill out all required fields.
- Business Name: type your business name here, it will appear in the Flocash checkout page.
- URL Return: this URL is used for Flocash to send information back after checkout is complete, it will contain <your_magento_url>/flocash/processing/success (included protocol such as http or https). NOT REQUIRE.
- URL Cancel: this URL used for Flocash to send information back after checkout is cancelled, it will contain <your_magento_url>/flocash/processing/cancel (included protocol such as http or https). NOT REQUIRE.
- URL Notify: this URL used for Flocash to send information back to verify payment, it will contain <your_magento_url>/flocash/processing/status (included protocol such as http or https).
- URL Merchants Logo: this is a image of your Logo that will appear in the Flocash checkout page.
This is all the information that you will require to successfully install and configure the Magento FloCash Extension file.
Please contact us if you are experiencing any issues with this installation on: