General API Definitions

The FloCash Payout API is based on the SOAP API as a standard method of communication between third-party clients and FloCash systems. To perform an action using the Payout API, you need to select a calling convention, send a request to its web service specifying a method and some arguments, and will receive a formatted response.

Only registered static public IP of third-party clients can call payout service.

All request formats, listed on the API index page, take a list of named parameters.

The REQUIRED parameter method is used to specify the calling method.

The REQUIRED parameter api_key is used to specify your API Key.

The optional parameter format is used to specify a response format.

The arguments, responses and error codes for each method are listed on the following section.

API Functions

Field Name Description
Payout Send payment instruction to transfer funds to any supported e-wallet and currency.
QueryTrans Return transaction information by a transacti on ID.This is done by submitting transaction ID from a previous transaction.
getExchangeRate Get real-time currency exchange rate for any supported currency.
validateUser Verify if a receiver has a valid e-wallet in the receiving payment network

Data Formats

The table below lists types and format of data utilized by FloCash Payout API.

Table 6.2.1

Element name Description Data type Note
PayoutRequest Parameter containing all transaction informat ion for a payment transaction required by the Payout method Complex Data elements: Authentication, Transaction
Authentication API login information Complex Data elements: apiUsername, apiPassword, control
Transaction Information containing payment instruction including amount, sender and receiver informat ion Complex Data elements: requestID, custom, amount, currency, detail, sender, receiver
Response Respond object containing transaction informa tion TransactionQuery Data elements: transactionID requestID, reqTime, amount,currency, detail, status
TransactionQuery Parameter containing authentication and transaction data required by the QueryTrans method Complex Data elements: Authentication, Query
Query Parameter specifying transaction data used to obtain detailed information about a previous transaction Complex Data elements: requestID,transactionID
apiUsername Client’s login ID String  
apiPassword, Client’s login password String  
control Security token String  
requestID, Value that identifies original request from client    
transactionID Unique Transaction ID String  

Date of transaction


amount All currency amount fields have the following structure:The amount must have two decimal pla ces.The decimal separator must be a period (“.”).You must not use any thousands separator String  
currency Currency is listed in of the following formats USD (840) EUR (978) String  
detail A note describing the transaction String  
status Indicates transaction status. String  
ExceptionHandler Response describing the error code and error message Complex Data elements: error, errorMessage
error Error code String  
errorMessage Error message String  
SenderInfo Detailed information about sender Complex Data elements: email, country Identity, firstname, lastname Mobile, address, city postalCode
ReceiverInfo Detailed information about receiver Complex Data elements: email, country,, firstName, lastName,mobile, address, city postalCode…
PayoutResponse Response back from FloCash system to payment instruction operation (Payout) Complex Data elements: Response
QueryTransResponse Response back from FloCash system to transact ion query operation (QueryTrans)    

Payout Parameters

Table 6.3.1

Parameter Type Mandatory Note
Authentication   Yes  
apiUsername String Yes Client’s login ID
apiPassword String Yes Client’s login password
control String Yes Security token. It is generated by 3 parts using SHA256 algorithms: apiUsername apiPassword Secret key (which was provided for each partner)
Transaction   Yes  
requestID String Yes Value that identifies original request from client
custom String Yes If Transaction Type is CARD
type String Yes CARD/BANK/MOBILE
amount BigDecimal Yes All currency amount fields have the following structure: The amount must have two decimal places. The decimal separator must be a period (“.”). You must not use any thousands separator.
settlementAmount BigDecimal client    
settlementCurrency String    
fee BigDecimal    
sendFee BigDecimal Yes Specifies the amount the remitter paid as Sending Fee
currency String Yes Currency is listed in of the following formats: USD (840) EUR (978)
detail String    
Sender   Yes  
email String Yes  
street1 String Yes  
street2 String    
city String Yes  
postalCode String Yes  
country String Yes  
company String    
firstName String Yes  
lastName String Yes  
mobile String Yes  
notes String    
Receiver   Yes  
email String   email format
street1 String Yes  
street2 String    
city String Yes  
postalCode String Yes  
country String    
businessName String    
beneficiary String Yes  
mobile String Yes If Transaction Type is MOBILE
bankAccount String Yes If Transaction Type is BANK
bankName String Yes
swiftcode String Yes
cardNo String Yes If Transaction Type is CARD
notes String    

ValidateUser Parameters

Table 6.4.1

Parameter Type Mandatory Note
Authentication   Yes  
apiUsername String   Client’s login ID
apiPassword String Yes Client’s login password
control String Yes Security token. It is generated by 3 parts using SHA256 algorithms: apiUsername, apiPassword Secret key (which was provided for each partner)
TypeValidateRequest   Yes  
requestID String   Value that identifies original request from client
email String   email format
mobile String Yes Digits
country String Yes  

getRate Parameters

Table 6.2.1

Parameter Type Mandatory Note
Authentication   Yes  
apiUsername String Yes Client’s login ID
apiPassword String Yes Client’s login password
control String Yes Security token. It is generated by 3 parts using SHA256 algorithms: apiUsername, apiPassword Secret key (which was provided for each partner)
TypeRateQuery   Yes  
requestID String Complex Value that identifies original request from client
source String Yes from currency
destination String   to currency
Authentication   Yes  
apiUsername String Yes Client’s login ID
apiPassword String Yes Client’s login password
control String Yes Security token. It is generated by 3 parts using SHA256 algorithms: apiUsername, apiPassword Secret key (which was provided for each partner)
Query   Yes  
requestID String Yes Value that identifies original request from client
transactionID String Yes Unique Transaction ID

Operator Table

Table 6.2.1

Service name Type Operator Name Note
airtel string Airtel Available in multiple countries
mtn String MTN Available in multiple countries
orange String Orange Available in multiple countries
safaricom String Safaricom Available in multiple countries
etisalat String Etisalat Available in multiple countries
glo String Glo Available in multiple countries
tigo String Tigo Available in multiple countries
laCell String LaCell Burundi
ecoCash String EcoNet Zimbabwe
telecash String Telecell Zimbabwe

Error Codes

# Error Code Descriptions
1 001 Invalid credentials
2 002 Access denied
3 003 Missing transaction info
4 004 Missing Currency
5 005 Invalid currency or not supported
6 006 Missing amount
7 007 Invalid amount
8 008 Invalid sender info:{fields}
9 009 Invalid recipient info:{fields}
10 010 Invalid request ID
11 011 Duplicate request ID
12 012 Invalid transaction ID
13 013 No transaction found.
14 014 You have exceeded your daily transaction volume limit. Please contact support to increase your limit.
15 015 You have exceeded your daily transaction limit. Please contact support to increase your limit.
16 016 You have exceeded your per transaction limit. Please contact support to increase your limit.
17 017 Invalid query value
18 018 Invalid source currency
19 019 Invalid Currency or not supported
20 020 Invalid Recipient country
21 021 Invalid custom value
22 022 Invalid recipient type
23 023 Recipient type must be: INDIVIDUAL or COMPANY
24 024 Not enough balance
25 025 Maximum balance limit reached
26 026 Sender email is invalid
27 027 Recipient email is invalid
28 028 Transaction type must be one of the followings: MOBILE,BANK,CARD.
29 029 Transaction type must be :{ MOBILE/BANK/CARD }
30 030 Missing transaction custom info.
31 031 Invalid Sender country.
32 032 Recipient mobile number is invalid format
33 033 Payment was declined. Please contact support team.
34 034 Missing country
35 035 Missing mobile
36 036 Invalid country code
37 037 Access denied. Please contact support.
38 038 Missing settlement amount
39 039 Invalid settlement amount
40 040 Missing fee amount
41 041 Invalid fee amount
42 042 Missing settlement currency
43 043 Invalid settlement currency
44 044 Missing currency destination
45 045 Invalid currency destination
46 046 Settlement amount is insufficient to cover payout instructions and associated fees.
47 047 Missing sending fee amount
48 048 Invalid sending fee amount
49 999
Internal Error: Server has encountered unexpected condition. Please
contact support team.

Sample Code

 Download WSDL, using JAXWS tool to generate client code.
 This is sample client code to call the API

 package com.flocash.payout;

 import java.math.BigDecimal;

 import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;

 import com.flocash.Authentication;
 import com.flocash.PayoutRequest;
 import com.flocash.ReceiverInfo;
 import com.flocash.SenderInfo;
 import com.flocash.Transaction;
 public class PayoutServiceCall {
    public final static String SECRET_KEY="XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX";
    public static void main(String[] args) {
            PayoutAPIServiceImplService service= new PayoutAPIServiceImplService();
                    Authentication authen= new Authentication();

                    //build hash control code

                    StringBuilder sb= new StringBuilder();

                    // transaction info

                    Transaction transaction= new Transaction();

                    //sender info
                    SenderInfo senderInfo= new SenderInfo();
                    ReceiverInfo receiverInfo= new ReceiverInfo();
                    transaction.setSettlementAmount(new BigDecimal(100));
                    transaction.setFee(new BigDecimal(1.1));
                    transaction.setAmount(new BigDecimal(100));
                    ServiceSoap soap= service.getPayoutAPIServiceImplPort();

                    //Payout request
                    PayoutRequest request= new PayoutRequest();

    }catch(Fault  ex){

